DVIP joins the Recovery Focus Group

Today (Monday 2nd July 2018), the Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP) announced that it has joined the Recovery Focus Group as a division of its largest partner, Richmond Fellowship.

For over 25 years, DVIP has delivered vital services and actively campaigned to end violence against women and girls. Today the London-based charity continues to provide essential services to hold perpetrators to account, end their abusive behaviour and support survivors to create greater space for action and safety for them and their families.

DVIP will work closely with other national partner charities involved in the Recovery Focus Group to identify new and innovative ways to support individuals and families affected by domestic abuse, mental ill health and drug and alcohol use.

Derek Caren, Chief Executive of Recovery Focus, said:

“Today is an extremely exciting day for the Recovery Focus Group and we are delighted to announce DVIP as our newest Group partner. DVIP has a long and proud history of working with families affected by domestic violence and prides itself on leading campaigns to end domestic violence for good. We very much welcome DVIP to our Group and look forward to working with the team in the future to shape new ways of working which inspire recovery in the areas of mental health, drug and alcohol use and domestic violence.”

Marianna Tortell, Managing Director of DVIP, said:

“DVIP is happy to confirm our new partnership with the Recovery Focus Group. Our new Group partners all share a passion and desire to support individuals and families affected by issues such as domestic violence and are committed to working alongside communities to inspire recovery nationwide. Those values reflect what DVIP has been working towards for over 25 years and we look forward to working with our new partners in the future to find new ways to improve the lives of the communities we support. As a proud feminist organisation for over 25 years, DVIP looks forward to working with our new Group partners to continue to work towards ending all forms of violence against women and girls”

DVIP joins Richmond Fellowship, the national mental health charity; Aquarius, the Midlands based drug and alcohol charity; and My Time, a division of Richmond Fellowship, as part of the wider Recovery Focus Group.

Formed in 2015, Recovery Focus is a Group of charities highly experienced in delivering services for people living with mental ill health, drug and alcohol use and domestic violence to achieve their ambitions. All of the partners involved in the Recovery Focus Group believe that with the right support, at the right time, they can meet the shared vision of inspiring individual recovery nationwide.

Outgoing Sudbury Mayor raises over £400 for Richmond Fellowship

Former Mayor of Sudbury Sarah Page with Matt Webb from RF and Councillors Adrian and Jan Osborne.

The outgoing Mayor of Sudbury, Councillor Sarah Page has raised £467.20 for the national mental health charity, Richmond Fellowship.

Councillor Page selected Richmond Fellowship as one of her chosen charities for her 2017-2018 mayoralty year.

A range of fundraising activities have taken place over the last 12 months, including various coffee mornings in Sudbury Town Hall.

Sarah Page said:

“I was inspired by the work of Richmond Fellowship and the fantastic staff at Sudbury. I attended some of their events in my mayoral year and met many clients and staff. I was very impressed with the work of this organisation and I feel Richmond Fellowship make a huge difference to peoples lives and long term recovery. Their work has such a positive impact on, not only their clients but our wider community”.

Andrea Stribling, Locality Manager for Richmond Fellowship Suffolk said:

“I’d like to say a big thank you to Sarah for selecting our service as her charity of the year. The money raised will make a real difference to those accessing our support. I’d also like to say thank you to all the residents who’ve kindly donated at the various fundraising events that have taken place around the town”.

The money raised will be spent locally, providing a range of recovery activities and trips for those using Richmond Fellowship’s supported housing and community based service in Sudbury, Suffolk.

Team raises over £350 at annual Fun Run

Four of the team from Richmond Fellowship in Sudbury sped their way round 5 miles at the Sudbury Fun Run on Good Friday, 30th March raising over £350 for the charity.

It’s the fifth Fun Run and sponsored walk the Sudbury team have taken part in to date, netting over £3,000 in total.

Each runner and walker received a participation medal on completing the route around the Suffolk town.

All the money raised will go towards providing additional activities and day trips for those using the supported housing and community based service.

Nina Allard, Team Leader at the Sudbury service said:

“It was a really lovely opportunity to do something within the community that both raises the awareness of Richmond Fellowship, mental health and brings the team together to raise funds for people who use our service.”

The Sudbury Fun Run is one of the longest running sporting events in the town, attracting over 600 participants every year.

Wiltshire service recognised as centre of excellence by Centre for Mental Health

Richmond Fellowship’s Wiltshire employment service has been selected as one of 18 national centres for excellence in supporting people who use mental health services to gain or retain employment.

The Wiltshire employment service has achieved a consistent level of ‘Good Fidelity’ across a range of indicators for its Individual Placement and Support (IPS) service by The Centre for Mental Health.

It will now act as a centre for excellence model for Individual Placement and Support, offering guidance and advice on how IPS can be implemented in other locations across England as well as how employment services for people living with mental ill health can be improved based on the evidence of what works best.

Stephen Smith-Trask, Managing Director of Operations for Richmond Fellowship (South) said:

“Richmond Fellowship has a proud heritage of delivering high quality employment services across Wiltshire. We’ve been at the forefront of model development, always striving to exceed targets. Individual Placement and Support is critical in delivering employment support for the next generation. I’d like to pay tribute to the dedication and commitment of the staff team and partners in securing this recognition.”

The Centre for Mental Health is an independent UK mental health charity which aims to inspire hope, opportunity and a fair chance in life for people of all ages with or at risk of mental ill health.

Volunteers win award for supporting prison leavers

Volunteers in North Tyneside have received an award for their work supporting people leaving the criminal justice system.

The volunteers from national mental health charity Richmond Fellowship received a Bronze Commendation at the North Tyneside Council’s Chairman’s Commendation Scheme awards for their work to help reintegrate people into society and reduce re-offending levels. Read more

Richmond Fellowship is Sudbury Charity of the Year

Our Sudbury team in action

Richmond Fellowship, the national mental health charity making recovery reality, has been selected as charity of the year by the newly elected Mayor of Sudbury, Councillor Sarah Page.

Various fundraising events will be taking place in Sudbury, Suffolk over the next 12 months including a curry night, coffee morning and photography competition in partnership with local schools. Read more

Wellbeing service marks anniversary

lancashire-wellbeing-service-logo-final-jpgMore than 6,000 people have been helped in the first year of an innovative, free community wellbeing service in Lancashire.

The Lancashire Wellbeing Service, run in partnership between charities Richmond Fellowship, Age Concern Central Lancashire, & n-compass Northwest Ltd, was launched in September 2015 to help vulnerable people aged 18 and over deal with issues affecting their ability to be healthy and happy. Read more

Tell us what you think of our services

survey-graphicWe want to find out what people using Richmond Fellowship’s services like about the work we do and what they want us to improve.

Feedback from people we support is really valuable as it helps us see how we’re getting on and to demonstrate what we’re doing well.

It also highlights some of the areas that people would like us to do better at so we can address these and make sure that our services are always improving.

You can complete the survey online by clicking here or by filling our a paper version. Please speak to a member of staff at your service for a paper copy.

Read more

Mental health services doing an important job in Cambridge


Mental health services in Cambridgeshire are ‘doing a very important job in a very effective way’
according to a leading service user network.

Services from national mental health charity Richmond Fellowship, part of Recovery Focus, in Wisbeth, March and Godmanchester were visited and independently appraised by the SUN Network. Read more

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