Suffolk Spot Purchase Community Support

Community Support

3 Cricket Meadow
Finborough Road
IP14 1GF

Opening Hours

Mon: 9am - 4:30pm
Tues: 9am - 4:30pm
Wed: 9am - 4:30pm
Thurs: 9am - 4:30pm
Fri: 9am - 4:30pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Suffolk Personalised Spot Purchase Service works with individuals affected by mental ill health already living in their own homes to receive assistance with day-to-day tasks and activities, such as budgeting finances or doing the weekly food shop.

What we do

We provide a spot purchase community based service for those in the Suffolk Coastal, Mid Suffolk and Babergh district.

Staff support is purchased either privately or is funded through Suffolk Adult Social Care.

We focus on community participation by supporting people to access existing opportunities in their local communities.

Our service also offers support with day-to-day tasks and activities such as budgeting their finances or doing the weekly food shop.

Who we help

Our service is available to anyone aged 18 years or over with a mental health diagnosis, under a mental health team and living in the Mid Suffolk or Coastal areas only.

Getting referred

Care coordinator referral
Initial enquiries may be made through the Service Manager. This may be to discuss whether the team have capacity and what hourly rate is charged, what this pays for and any additional charges. The Care Coordinator will then apply for funding through the EAT panel.

They will then need to send a current care plan, risk screen and health and social assessment, plus any other relevant information.

Once funding has been agreed and the confirmation email sent to the Care Coordinator and copied to Service Manager arrangements can be made for the first support session with the new client.

If it is deemed someone must pay for their own support then if they wish to proceed, arrangements for payment will be explained and agreed upon. An explanation of invoicing and payment will be explained.

Private referrals
Initial enquiries may be made through the Service Manager Manager, this may be to discuss whether the team have capacity and what hourly rate is charged, what this pays for and any additional charges. The Service Manager will then complete a needs assessment. If it is deemed suitable the package will then proceed to start at on an agreed date.

Additional info

Check out our blog site.

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