Collindale 24 Hour Supported Housing Store in

Categories: Supported Housing

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Colindale 24 Hour Supported Housing Service is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

Our 24 hour supported housing service consists of 12 self contained flats.

We support people with mental health problems, complex needs dual diagnosis and substance misuse. The support is tailored to each person’s strength, interests and goals.

The service plays an important role in delivering community based support in partnership with Barnet, Enfield and Haringey mental health trust (BEHMHT) and the intensive enablement team (IET).

Our advice and support may include maintaining tenancy, accessing work, education, safeguarding, group work, empowering people making choices, faith and beliefs, social inclusion and signposting to other services.

All residents are supported by a named staff member who is their keyworker.

Who we help

Our service is for people over the age of 18 diagnosed with a mental health problem.

Getting referred

To be eligible, you must be under a care-coordinator/psychiatrist or deemed eligible for BCCG funding or agreed joint funding with LBB.

We can also accept out of borough referrals.


1 Stonecrop Close, Colindale Avenue
NW9 5RG, London,

Castle Young People Supported Housing Store in Cambridge

Categories: Supported Housing

Who we are

The Castle Service provides accommodation and support for young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

The Castle Service works with other providers of young peoples supported accommodation in Cambridge which form the Young Futures Partnership (YFP) and includes Riverside, Cambridge Housing Society, Orwell and YMCA Trinity.

All referrals for supported accommodation for young people will come to the Young Futures Partnership, who will complete a trauma-informed assessment, and work with the referred young person to find the most suitable accommodation for them.

If you are a regular referring agency, please log into In-Form and refer the young person via the Young Futures Partnership (youth accommodation)

If you are a one-time referring agency, then please get in touch and we will arrange a referral/assessment.

If a young person wants to refer themselves, please contact Centre 33 or Cambridge City Council who can make a referral on their behalf.

What we do

Each placement at the Castle Service can last up to a maximum of 2 years. In situations where a positive move on is not achievable in this time a placement extension is discussed with the person we support and their support team. Generally, placement extensions will be agreed on a 3 month rolling basis with a clear monitoring agreement in place highlighting what needs to be achieved in this time.

Each person we support in the service has an assigned Recovery Worker who they are expected to meet with weekly (minimum). This may be more at the beginning of a placement or at times when needs are deemed to be higher. Each individual will agree a support plan with their Recovery Worker which lists goals that they would like to work on. Support plans are reviewed at least 3 monthly or when required.

In particular, the service assists Young People to learn the skills they need to:

  • Budget successfully to pay rent and other living expenses
  • Deal with the expectations of statutory and non-statutory agencies
  • Apply for and manage benefit claims/payments to maximise their income
  • Complete forms and paperwork associated with living independently
  • Build positive relationships with their neighbours and local community
  • Keep their home clean and tidy and safe
  • Use and maintain equipment in their home
  • Access and participate in services in their local community
  • Access training, education and employment to enhance their life chances
  • Manage their sexual health and sexual relationships
  • Maintain contact with local mental health services and the Council to develop a coordinated plan whilst they are living in the Service and in preparation for their move to permanent accommodation
  • Work on their emotional need and coping strategies
  • Respond to crisis situations.


23 Signet Court
Swann Road
CB5 8LA, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire,

Carlisle Dispersed Supported Housing Store in Carlisle

Categories: Supported Housing

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s dispersed Supported Housing Service is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

We support individuals to gain or regain skills and confidence to achieve greater independence.

Support to develop coping strategies to best manage their mental and physical health needs.

We support individuals to access community groups and promote socially inclusive activities.

Our service supports people with all aspects of daily living skills, as well as access training, volunteering and employment.

We take a person centred approach to support planning and joint work with Adult Social Care, Community Mental Health Teams and other agencies to prevent inappropriate admissions to hospital at the point of crisis.

Who we help

We support adults over 18 with mental health conditions.

Getting referred

Referral forms are available from the service. Once completed an assessment will be carried out by the service manager and will form the basis for a discussion about the support package.

Funding must be agreed in principle before submitting the referral. Supporting information pertaining to needs and risks must be available to us.


128 Botcherby Avenue
CA1 2TX, Carlisle, Cumbria,

Blackpool Supported Housing (Hornby Road) Store in Blackpool

Categories: Supported Housing

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Hornby Road service is made up of five bedrooms with two communal lounges, shared kitchen facilities, conservatory and a staff office. All rooms have a washbasin, two rooms are en-suite, there are 3 communal toilets and a large shared bathroom. Our dedicated staff team provide support on a 24 hour basis, with sleep-in cover overnight.

What we do

We support individuals to gain or regain skills and confidence to achieve greater independence.

Support to develop coping strategies to best manage their mental and physical health needs.

We support individuals to access community groups and promote socially inclusive activities.

Our service supports people with all aspects of daily living skills (except personal care) as well as access training, volunteering and employment.

We take a person centred approach to support planning and joint work with Community Mental Health Teams and other agencies to prevent inappropriate admissions to hospital at the point of crisis.

We offer careers advice and guidance, help with CVs, applications and interviews plus advice around disclosure of disabilities to an employer.

Who we help

Our service is for those aged 18 to 65 (17 year olds are considered) who have an enduring mental health diagnosis.

Those using the service must be willing to work towards their recovery and engage with the support offered.

All referrals must come via the Community Mental Health Team and be supported by the care co-ordinator.

Getting referred

Referrals must be made via a care co-ordinator from the Adult Social Care Community Mental Health Team or the Early Intervention service.

A Social Care Act Assessment must have been completed by a Blackpool Social worker to determine eligibility to access the service. We can take referrals for adults 18 to 65 years of age and can take 17 year olds if eligibility criteria is met.


214 Hornby Road
FY1 4HY, Blackpool, Blackpool,

Adelphi Court Supported Housing Store in Barrow-in-Furness

Categories: Supported Housing

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Adelphi Court Supported Housing Service is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

We support individuals to gain or regain skills and confidence to achieve greater independence.

Support to develop coping strategies to best manage their mental and physical health needs.

We support individuals to access community groups and promote socially inclusive activities.

Our service supports people with all aspects of daily living skills, as well as access training, volunteering and employment.

We take a person centred approach to support planning and joint work with Adult Social Care, Community Mental Health Teams and other agencies to prevent inappropriate admissions to hospital at the point of crisis.

Lengths of stays are usually between 6 months and 2 years, subject to the individual’s needs.

Staff are on site every day from 8:30am to 10pm, and provide individual support in a range of ways depending on need.

We are currently registered by CQC and can support people who use the service with medication and also promote self-medication.

Who we help

We support adults over 18 with mental health conditions.

Getting referred

Referral forms are available from the service. Once completed an assessment will be carried out by the service manager and will form the basis for a discussion about the support package.

Funding must be agreed in principle before submitting the referral. Supporting information pertaining to needs and risks must be available to us.

Additional information


Adelphi Court
Storey Square
LA14 2HX, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria,
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